Английская грамматика

Правила согласования времен в английском

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Правила согласования времен в английском

Sequence of Tenses in English

Правило согласования времен запрещает использовать в придаточном предложении формы настоящего и будущего время, если в главном предложении сказуемое выражено глаголом в одном из прошедших времен.

В таблице показано, каким образом обычно изменяются времена при переходе от прямой речи к косвенной.

Прямая речьКосвенная речь
1 Present Simple ("I live") Past Simple (He said he lived)
2 Present Contin. ("I am living") Past Contin. (He said he was living)
3 Present Perfect ("I have lived") Past Perfect (He said he had lived)
4 Present Perfect Contin.("I have been living") Past Perfect Contin. (He said he had been liveng)
5 Past Simple ("I lived") Past Perfect (He said he had lived)
6 Past Contin. ("I was living") Past Perfect Contin. (He said he had been living)
7 Going to (Future) ("I am going to live") Was going (He said he was going to live)
8 Will Future ("I will live") Would (He said he would live)
9 Can ("I can live") Could (He said he could live)
10 May ("I may live") Might (He said he might live)
11 Must ("I must live")  
Прямая речьКосвенная речь
1 Ago Previously / before
2 Here There
3 Last week The previous week
4 Next week The following week
5 Now Then
6 This That
7 Today That day
8 Tomorrow (night) The next / following day (night)
9 Tonight That night
10 Yesterday The previous day
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