Английская грамматика

Упражнения на модальные глаголы 1

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(2 голосов)
Упражнения на модальные глаголы 1

Exercises in English about the Modal Verbs

I. Заполните пропуски, используя can, could, might, must, should, would и глагол в скобках. В некоторых предложениях следует использовать перфектный инфинитив. А в некоторых -  отрицательную форму.


a.   A  I’m hungry.

     B  But you've just had lunch. You   can’t be   hungry already. (be)

b.   A  I haven’t seen our neighbours for ages.

     B  No’ They     must have gone     away. (go)

c.   A  What’s the weather like? Is it raining?

     B  Not at the moment but it  ______________ later. (rain)

d.  A  Where has Julia gone?

     B  I’m not sure. She ___________ to the bank. (go)

e.   A  I didn’t see you at John’s party last week.

     B  No, I had to work that evening, so I ___________ .(go)

f.    A  I saw you at John’s party last week.

     B  No, you didn’t. You _____________ me. I didn’t go to John’s party. (see)

g.   A  When did you post the letter to Mary?

     B  This morning. So she ______________ it tomorrow. (get)

h.   A  When was the last time you saw Bill?

     B  Years ago. I _______________ him if I saw him now.(recognise)

i.   A   Did you hear the explosion?

     B  What explosion?

     A  There was a loud explosion a few minutes ago. You ____________ it.(hear)

j.  A  We weren't sure which way to go. In the end we turned right.

     B  You went the wrong way. You ___________ left.(turn)     

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