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Идиомы на английском языке о еде с объяснением

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Идиомы на английском языке о еде с объяснением

Food Idioms in English with Explanation

1 A couch potato someone who just site on the couch watching TV
2 A lot on my plate an over-abundance of food on a dinner plate, and it is used whtn someone has many responsibilities or scheduled activities
3 Apple of one's eye a person that is adored by someone
4 Bad apple a bad person, or a bad person who affects others
5 Bad egg a person who is often in trouble
6 Big cheese very important person (VIP), boss
7 Bread and butter necessities, the main thing
8 Butter someone up be extra nice to someone (usually for selfish reasons)
9 Cheesy silly
10 Cool as a cucumber very relaxed / who is able to remain calm
11 Cream of the crop the best
12 Couch potato a lazy person who spends his spare time in front of the TV
13 (don't) cry over spilled milk get upset over something that has happened and connot be changed
14 (have a) bun in the oven be pregnant
15 (not my) cup of tea something you enjoy (usually used negatively)
16 Egg someone on urge someone to do something
17 Freeze one's buns off be very cold
18 Full of beans have a lot of (silly) energy
19 Gravy train extremely good pay for minimal work
20 Handed to someone on a silver platter receive without working for something
21 Hard nut to crack difficult to understand (often a person)
22 Nutty as a fruitcake harmless silliness to someone who needs professional help
23 One smart cookie a very intelligent person
24 Piece of cake very easy / a task is easy
25 Souped up made more powerful or stylish
26 Sell like hot cakes bought by many people
27 Slower than molasses molasses is a syrupy liquid that pours slowly
28 Spill the beans reveal the truth
29 Take it with a grain of salt the source indicated may not be completely trustworthy, so do not automatically believe everything
30 Take something with a pinch (grain) of salt don't consider something 100 % accurate
31 Use your noodle use your brain
32 Walk on eggs is an attempt to not upset someone in a foul mood
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